Click User Login from the Login page (https://mysoftballleague.MySoftballLeague.com), and then click on the Forgot your Password link. Enter your email address, and your password will be sent to you. If you receive the message "Sorry, we found no users with that email address," then it means either that you have not been entered into our database or that your email address was entered incorrectly. Please contact your League Administrator, Umpire Coordinator (for umpires), or Match Secretary (for team contacts) to resolve this. Click here to find out their contact information (select your league to view and then scroll down to the list of league officials). Tell them your name and email address. S/he will check if you just need your email address corrected or if you need to be added as a user. In either case, you will receive an email with your login name and password. After that, you can modify your own personal information via the Edit Personal Info page.