The interface for MySoftballLeague.com is quite straightforward. Some things to note:
1. For people with roles (and an account to login with), they will always login to their User Home page, which has all the key links to other pages on the site. If a person comes to the site without logging in, the home page is the View League page.
2. On every page there is a horizontal bar beneath the banner which has the Title box for the page and the gray Links Bar. See the sample Title Box and Links Bar below.
3. The Links Bar has common links for the page, and always includes links back to the User Home page and to this Help system.
Boys U-8 Division |
User Home
| View League
| Schedule
| User Help
4. The View League page displays the current season, its competitions and divisions. it is the gateway to the schedules. This page also has the League Information board, the list of league officers, and a list of the league's affiliates, if any.