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Roles allows a league to assign roles to different people, thereby delegating responsibility within your organization. Each role has a set of powers associated with it. The titles used for each role can be changed by the League Administrator to suit your league's terminology when adding officers to the database.

Role Powers
 View Publicly Visible Information  Edit Personal Information  Send Email to Officers, Teams, and Refs  Send Email to Players and Parents  See Unpublished Games, and All Results  View Affiliate/Team Table  Input/Edit Users  Manage Umpire List  Assign Umpires  Manage League Settings/Officers  Input/Edit Seasons  Input/Edit Competitions  Input/Edit Divisons  Input/Edit Fields  Input/Edit Teams  Schedule/Edit Games  Report Game Results  Manage Affiliated Organizations  Sign Up to Umpire in Games  View Umpire Assignments  Input Practice Game  Input/Edit Team Roster  Manage Coach Conflicts  View Umpire Reports  Assign Practice Fields and Times  Manage League Umpire Settings  Edit Team (name, officers, roster, blackouts)  View Umpire-Team Affiliations
League Administrator X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X   X X X X X X X X X
Local League Representative X X X X     X X X X       X X         X   X     X X X X
Club/School Representative X X X X     X               X             X     X   X X
Match Secretary X X X X X X X   X     X X X X X X       X X X   X   X  
Division Match Secretary X X X X X   X   1           1 1 1         1 X       1  
Results Secretary X X X X X                       1                      
Umpire Coordinator X X X X X     X X 2                   X       X   X   X
Field Umpire Coordinator X X X X X     X 3                     X       X        
Umpire Assignor X X X X X       X                     X       X        
Umpire Coordinator Assistant X X X X X     4                       5       X       X
Field Coordinator X X X X X                 X                 X   X      
Disciplinary Chair X X X X       8                       X       X        
League President X X X X X X                           X       X X     X
League Treasurer X X X X X X                           5                
Other League Officer X X X X X X                           X                
Team Coach/Officer X X   6     6                   7       X 6         6  
Umpire X X                             7   X X                
  (1) only for divisions that are assigned to them
  (2) can only add/remove umpire assistant roles
  (3) only for fields that are assigned to them
  (4) can only edit information - can not add/delete umpires
  (5) can only view past assignments
  (6) only for their team
  (7) only for games they are attached to
  (8) can view list, but not edit

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