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Umpire Payment Adjustments

You can also enter adjustments to umpire payments, either for particular games or unattached to a game. These adjustments will be added to (or subtracted from, if negative) the total owed to the umpire, and the payment of these adjustments will be recorded, just as payments for assignments are recorded. Each adjustment has an effective date and also optional comments attached to it, that are visible to the appropriate league officers when viewing the adjustment.

To make a payment adjustment for a particular game, edit the game. Then click on the button. This brings you to a Umpire Pay Adjustment page that displays any existing umpire pay adjustments entered for that game (that can be edited) and also has a form to enter a new adjustment.

You can make pay adjustments that are unattached to a particular game from the list of your umpires. Again, click on the button that appears next to the name of the appropriate umpire, which will bring you to the same Umpire Pay Adjustment page as above, but showing all adjustments for that umpire, and it allows you to edit existing adjustments or enter new ones.

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