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Set Umpire Pay Rates

Who: League Administrator, Umpire Coordinator

League Administrator: Manage League > Modify League Umpire Settings > Edit Umpire Payments.
Umpire Coordinator: League Umpire Settings > Edit Umpire Payments

Umpire pay rates are specific to each season and competition. Within a season there is a category called Season Defaults. If rates have not been set for a specific competition, then the Season Defaults are used.

Note that before rates are set, the League Administrator needs to select the League Play Characteristics for your league (gender, age, and play level) by going to Manage League > Edit League Play Characteristics. See League Play Characteristics.

The first time you set rates, set them for the current season as Season Defaults. If a specific competition uses different rates, you can either enter them for that competition OR you can import them from the Season Defaults (click on Import pay rates from a different season or competition) and edit them.

When a new season has been added (league administrator function), you need to import the pay rates from the previous season.

The rates are used when computing the amount owed each umpire on the Games Umpired Reports and when you export umpire payment data (see Paying Umpires).

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